So, what is Pinterest? Or more to the point, How do we use it for marketing?
According to Pinterest it is: a virtual Pinboard that let's you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the Internet. Its intent seems to be a virtual, shareable, Internet scrapbook without all the glue tape and cutting.
I know what you're thinking, Not interested! Give me a minute to explain. As often happens on the Internet, Pinterest has evolved into much more. Nothing malleable gets past the Interenet grape vine and Pinterest has set off some serious gossip. For those of us who constantly search for new and better ways to further promote businesses it screamed, Opportunity. And yes, there's still discussion as to where it will go and how long it will last. Who cares! While "they" are still figuring out it's a true value, I say, we go with it. Sometimes a thing is just a thing, but even a temporary thing can provide upward momentum.

Right now Pinterest can help you get noticed and build your brand.
Here's how it works –
You pin pictures of anything of interests to you on Pinboards (groupings) you create. Others can like or repine your pins and follow your boards. Your pins, their repins and your repines get repined again by others and so on. But here's the most important part: your pins can have a link which can lead them straight back to you - your website or blog. It's very simple and it can be fun. Don't pin junk. It will sit there on your boards collecting dust like pins of you oldest great uncle fishing, unless of course, your uncle is fishing at some fabulous destination.
Pin things about your business. Once you get started you'll find plenty to pin – interesting things to do nearby, your beautiful hotel pool or garden, your rooms, the food you serve, your chef at the local farmers market, etc. – just be creative and enjoy.

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