We interrupt our regularly scheduled posting with breaking news:

OK, there is no real breaking news here. At least not the kind associated with such an announcement. The truth is I knew the moment I found this place I had to tell you. I love what I do – I get to find and share the most wonderful places! Every now and then a place really resonates with me as this one did. Sadly, I can't write about every one of them and even if I could, like articles and travel programs, blog posts are merely temporary and only a few will discover this special place here. That is precisely why, for more great finds, you'll have to visit our website -
travelvision.com. There you can discover and explore more treasures (
end of shameless plug).
Behind The Fence, as it is so sweetly named, is a New England Salt Box replica. Furnished with authentic period pieces, pre-civil war heirlooms and unpretentious Amish pieces, it is reflective of life in the early 19th century – a less complicated age of simple needs. "Old world country charm," is among the descriptives that guests have left in the comments section and I couldn't agree more!
When I stumbled across this charming, very affordable bed and breakfast I knew I couldn't contain myself. After speaking with the lovely Carolyn I have no doubts that it's true. She conveyed the same charm her Inn's photographs reflect. As innkeepers of such a treasure should be, the friendly proprietors, Carolyn and Larry, are self described as a couple who will happily chatter away about how it came to be during breakfast in the main house. Apparently, "There is a story behind almost everything, from parts of the structure to each of the treasures" and they claim, "it is the most historically accurate of all Tampa Bay Bed and Breakfasts." I get the distinct feeling that it was built out of a love and devotion to a time gone by.

Although I have yet to stay there (soon I hope), I knew instantly from the photographs and my chat with Carolyn that this is a place of quiet respite and reflection for guests. It is not a place to ignore for the sake of maximum hours at a theme park. It is a place you'll want to soak up. Don't worry though, you won't be giving up modern amenities. You will "sleep restfully and awaken to a Continental-Plus breakfast: Home-made Amish sweet rolls, fresh fruit, cereal, toast, coffee, tea and orange juice." I can practically smell it! You might even want to take a stroll among the sprawling oak trees of this quiet neighborhood and smile knowing the overcrowded sprawling theme parks are a lifetime away from here.
Behind the Fence was featured in Country Living Magazine a few years ago and has hosted guests from all over the world.
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