
April 21, 2012

Insight from the Giant - Anything is Possible

Everybody's heard the legendary tales of the great garage startups, Apple, Microsoft, but those were 30+ years ago. Flukes, right? Certainly, not possible now! If Jeff Bezos had thought that way (roughly 15 years later) the world would be a different place. He believed, against the odds, that they could do it. I don't know if their goals were as lofty as their reality has become, but their accomplishments came from believing that you must try. Whether you are busting with great ideas for your business or struggling to find ways to compete, if you're still feeling overwhelmed and under capitalized this post is for you. In the video, starting from their humble beginnings, Jeff Bezos the founder and CEO of Amazon, shares their struggles and mistakes then lends us his advice. They grew from blowing circuits in their home office to the world's largest online retailer. I hope this will inspire you no matter how simple or lofty your goals may be. Growing your business can be done by sticking to it in the face of whatever obstacles are in your path. Keep pushing through your barriers. If 15 years ago still has you saying, that was a long time ago, don't. It was in 2009, three years ago, that Amazon acquired Zappos, an online shoe and apparel shop, for $1.2 billion.
To give credit where credit is due - I found this video through Flavio Martins (Customer Service Management Coach) who's blog is well worth the read.

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