
October 5, 2014

The Right Track - Rovos Rail

√  Brochure read (several times)
√  Scanned the website (every page)
√  Google searched (every relatable image)
√  Travel Blogs read (several)
√  Files created (virtual and actual)
√  Clothes packed (resisted the urge to buy khakis & pith helmet)

This trip clears a half dozen items from anyone's bucket list: scenery and wildlife, thrilling and exotic, decadent and luxurious. The mere thought of this adventure will leave you giddy as a school girl with anticipation.

If you could choose only one train journey in your lifetime, it should be a Rovos Rail journey. It's the winning lottery ticket of train trips - beyond spectacular! And, it's not just the view from the train that's impressive, the accommodations are nearly as incredible.

The London Daily says,

"Discover Africa in the wood paneled, gleaming five-star luxury of a bygone era."

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